Hiring a Holistic Nutritionist - is it worth your money?

In my previous blogpost I shed some light on the differences between nutritionists and dietitians. In this blogpost I would like to go into detail of what a holistic nutritionist does, how they can help you live a healthier and disease-free life and if hiring a holistic nutritional practitioner is really worth your hard-earned money.

First of all what is a holistic nutritionist?

A holistic nutritionist assists individuals who want to improve their health and well-being by optimizing dietary habits and lifestyle choices. A nutritionist is trained to understand the human anatomy and the pathology of diseases, furthermore nutritionists know how diseases manifest in the body both physically and emotionally (body-mind connection). First, a complete assessment of the client’s health history, symptoms and current lifestyle behaviors is conducted in order to evaluate the underlying root cause(s). After an extensive analyzation process a holistic healing protocol is designed to addresses the clients concerns. The protocol will include but is not limited to nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations. In the follow-up consultations, the nutritional practitioner will explain how to successfully implement those recommendations. How many follow-up meetings will be necessary depends on the client’s condition(s) - keep in mind that healing is not a linear, but rather a gradual process and that certain conditions can take a while to heal. A good nutritionist will teach you how to take care of your health moving forward. Prevention of future ailments should always be the next step and goal.

Why should I hire a nutritionist?

Humans live longer than ever before, but does our lifestyle support our health till the end? Chronic diseases are on the rise. In 2020 over 34.2 million Americans have Diabetes Type II, that is just over 1 in 10 people! More than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s Disease and numbers are rising alarmingly. Many people thrive to live longer to enjoy their retirement, but in order to feel your best till the end you have to take care of your health and actively implement prevention methods. Only a small portion of chronic health conditions (Diabetes Type II, Neurodegeneration, Cardiovascular Disease, Arthritis, etc.) is due to genetics. In most cases they are the result of long-term unhealthy eating habits, lack of movement, poor sleep and chronic stress. If you want to live long AND healthy, a nutritionist is well worth your money and time.

Nadja Müller, CNP


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Nutritionist or Dietitian?