Nutrition Programs

Made For You

Every person is unique. Your health plan should be too.


Personalized nutrition is an approach to health and wellness that takes your individual needs into consideration.

Your lifestyle, your stress levels, your symptoms, and your current diet all play a role in what is right for you. Improvement happens on a cellular, and even a molecular level. In order to thrive, to feel energized, and to perform better, you need to feed your body with the right nutrients. Learn how to nourish YOU.

Our Packages

Details and prices can be found below.

  • Already have healthy habits? Continue your nutrition education through 1:1 calls with nutritionist Nadja & receive a personalized plan to optimize your health.

  • Have a health situation that needs focused attention? Here we are diving deeper into your health issues and current symptoms with a comprehensive approach and weekly 1:1 support.

  • Monthly 1:1 nutrition and lifestyle guidance for better long-term results and habit formation.

  • Single sessions are available in some circumstances. Book a free call to discuss your best options.

Starter Package

This package is for you if you want to learn how to nourish your body & build stress resilience. You already know a bit about health but are overwhelmed with all the information that is available online. You know you are unique and realize that a holistic and personalized approach is needed in order to truly heal and flourish.

This package is NOT ideal for you if you have dealt with a condition (diagnosed or undiagnosed), or symptoms for a while now and need a more comprehensive approach. Book a free call if you are not sure which package would be best for you.

  • 60-minute video call to assess past health conditions, current symptoms and health goals.

  • Two 30-minute follow-up phone calls.

  • 7-Day personalized meal plan with delicious recipes, pictures, weekly overview and a grocery list.

  • Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations (1 page). If you need more in-depth recommendations check out the Deep Dive Package.

  • Specific supplement recommendations and special discount for high-quality, third-party tested supplements.

  • $625 CAD.

    Payment plan available.

    • Additional Follow-ups ($60 /30 min)

    • 7-Day Meal Plan* ($35)

    • Recipe Book* (starting at $20)


Deep Dive Package

This package is for you if you have a specific condition or more than one symptom you would like to address while working together. This package includes regular one-on-one support and accountability over 12 weeks, a comprehensive holistic protocol, and personalized meal plans.

Set up a free call if you are not sure which package would be best for you.

  • 60-minute call to assess past health conditions, current symptoms and health goals.

  • 1x 60-minute consultation to discuss the recommendations in the protocol and meal plan. And 3x 30 minute follow-up calls.

  • 6x Personalized meal plans with delicious recipes, pictures, weekly overview, a grocery list, and nutrient composition.

  • A comprehensive protocol including nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations (vitamins & herbs) targeting your main concerns & goals. Every section will include WHY specific recommendations were made and HOW they will help you reach your goals.

  • Specific supplements with dosage and preferred brands depending on your budget. All clients receive a special discount for high-quality, third-party tested supplements.

  • If you sign up for my Deep Dive package you will have access to weekly accountability and daily support via online chat. This is helpful, if you have a quick question and don’t want to wait for our next call.

  • $996 CAD

    Payment plan available.

    • Additional Follow-ups ($60 /30 min)

    • 7-Day Meal Plan* ($35)

    • Recipe Book* (starting at $20)

    • Tests such as DNA test, DUTCH Hormone test & GI Map test at an additional cost



The monthly subscription is a great way to get personalized support for a minimal monthly fee. If you are committed to your health, you will find great value in having the support of a nutritional expert. Gain a deeper understanding of the impact that certain foods have on your body by becoming more in tune with it. During different seasons and times in our lives, we need different nutrients and lifestyle practices. With a subscription, you can target specific problems and symptoms when they come up and equip yourself with preventative tools.

Anyone can start a subscription. However, most of my clients book the Starter Package or Deep Dive Package first and then continue as subscription clients. If you don’t want to book any of the packages available, you can go ahead and schedule an initial health assessment to kick-start your health journey with me as your trusted expert.

  • Monthly 30-minute phone calls. Come prepared with all your questions about nutrition and well-being.

  • After our monthly calls I will send you a summarizing email with specific nutrition and lifestyle advice. If you are looking for a comprehensive protocol, you can purchase it as an add-on.

  • Based on your needs, I will recommend certain supplements you can purchase through an online pharmacy. All supplements are professional grade & third-party tested. All clients receive a discount.

  • Have a quick question? Send me a message and I will respond as soon as possible during business hours.

  • $150 monthly. Additionally, a one-time payment of $175 for the initial health assessment. If you booked one of my nutrition packages within the past 12 months an initial health assessment is optional.

    • Additional phone calls ($60 /30 min)

    • 7-Day Meal Plan* ($35)

    • Recipe Book* (starting at $20)

    • Holistic Protocol* (basics $180, comprehensive $540)


Individual sessions are available upon request. 

Single sessions are available in some circumstances instead of a package. Does your health insurance cover nutritionists or nutritional practitioners under extended benefits? Oftentimes, extended benefits cover up to a certain amount per session and per year. Book a free call to discuss your best options.

Want to learn more about how we can transform the way you are feeling?

It’s easy! Contact us to schedule a FREE discovery call.